COVID-19 Gym Use Rules


All gym members must complete the induction form online:
There will be some further details communicated with respect to this over the coming weeks, primarily regarding how the notification of any medical conditions are to be managed.

The gym is subject to additional strict rules to ensure or compliance with COVID-19 safety guidelines. These include:

  1. Maximum 12 persons at any one time in the facility.
  2. You must bring and use your own full length towel.
  3. Every person MUST tag in to the gym – strictly no tailgating.
  4. You must use hand sanitisers on entry and exit (sanitiser station under defib on wall and further stations in gym).
  5. Social distancing to be observed at all times (make sure you are 1.5 metres apart). No crowding.
  6. All equipment to be wiped down after use (spray bottle and cloths located around the gym).
  7. DO NOT SPRAY cleaning agent directly onto the electronic touch screens of the new equipment (this will ruin them). Please use a microfibre cloth moistened with spray.
  8. Microfibre cloths will be recycled after appropriate cleaning, please place in relevant bin to facilitate. All other items used to be put in rubbish bin.

If you fall into a high risk category or have any underlying medical condition you should avoid gym use until COVID restrictions are further moderated or lifted.  

When the gym is not closed because of an absence of Gym Marshall volunteering for roster, use of the gym is on an “assumption of member’s own risk” basis and in reliance on all users doing the right thing. Any member who does not feel comfortable with these arrangements should refrain from using the gym.

In order to manage the risk to members we have instigated a twice daily cleaning regime of all equipment, floors and high touch areas with our contract cleaners. In addition we have implemented video monitoring by Office staff to ensure COVID safe practices & capacity limits are being observed. Please note that we will be using video surveillance to check on misuse and non- compliance. 

Everyone needs to play their part in ensuring the safety of all users. The additional COVID-19 rules are in addition to our normal Gym rules that are displayed. We need everyone to abide by these rules to ensure the continued opening of the facility. Disciplinary action will be taken against members not sticking to the rules.

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